Politik / Politics / Politique
Politische Artikel
Return to California (Poem), San Diego, 03. 09. 1993
Weltfremdheit Bures, 20. 02. 2000.
Österreichs Regierung 2000 (Gedicht), Bures, 01. April 2000.
Allerheiligen 2000 (Gedicht), Irland, 01. 11. 2000.
Millenium Weihnachtslied 2000 (Gedicht), Bures, 13. 12. 2000.
Answer to "Open Letter on Globalisation, the Debate", by Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt.
European Coucil of Laeken, 14-15 December 2001, p. 111-114
Published Letters to the Editors of various journals
Answer to "The Lord of the Ring, ", (Newsweek, Sept. 25, 1995) in Newsweek, Nov. 13, 1995 "Voices from Wagnerland"
Reponse à "Négocier avec Milosevic?" (Courrier International, Paris, 28 avril 1999 ) dans CI du 12 mai 1999.
Reponse à "A propos des experts, (Courrier International, Paris, 12 déc. 1999) dans CI du 20 jan. 2000.
Answer to "Blair vs. the Press" and "What scares CEOs", (Newsweek, May 21, 2001) in Newsweek, June 10, 2001
Answer to "Europe's Immigrants: The New Face of Europe", (Newsweek, Aug. 13, 2001) in Newsweek, Sept. 17, 2001
Answer to "Bill Gates", (Newsweek, Feb. 4, 2002) in Newsweek, March 03, 2002
Answer to "Wanted: shady CEOs, dead or alive", (Newsweek, August 5, 2002) in Newsweek, Sept. 09, 2002
Answer to "Is this the New World Order?" (Newsweek, March 17, 2003) in Newsweek, March 17, 2003